Removed particle rules still spawning particles...

So, I use to have some particles spawning on death of my actor under certain conditions - something like "if actor is blue and game.dead is 1, spawn particles (which are coloured blue)".

I recently removed all of the spawn conditions that were triggering the particles (I had them for different colours), but one is still triggering on meeting the requirement of the deleted (or so it seems) rules.

Has anyone else experienced lingering/legacy particle spawns that shouldn't be there or had any similar problems that they managed to fix? I've scoured my actor rules and simply cannot find anything that still refers to that previous particle spawn, but it's still triggering in game.

Perhaps there's a wayof checking through the project's XML files to track it down? I don't know.

Any help here would be much appreciated as I am stuck!

Many thanks.


  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    You probably still have a particle rule somewhere your over looking. Check the otherwise section in your rules also.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    It could be that your actor is unlocked on your scene. If you remove the rules inside your actor in the actor inspector, it won't transfer over to an unlocked actor on your scene.
  • barleyesqbarleyesq Member Posts: 72
    Thanks for the help guys! As per mounted88's insightful comment, I found a rogue rule hanging around in a closed Else section. I've noticed it's quite easy to inadvertently make mistakes when dragging and dropping rules in the Windows creator, due to the Backstage area shuffling around when your near to the extremities instead of smoothly scrolling down (especially when you're at the bottom)
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