creating a "pause" within a "pause"

digitalzerodigitalzero Member, BASIC Posts: 639
okay basically what im trying to do ask if you have button and you use the "pause game" behavior... and within the pause menu you have set you would want it to go to another scene would you then add another "pause game" behavior? and when going back to your original game would it go back to the first pause menu and then go back to the resume game or what... or should i use a scene change behavior? idk... i hope youre getting my question


  • ADSentertainmentADSentertainment Member Posts: 397
    Pauseception.....sorry, I just had to make that pun, and I'm not really sure what you mean, I haven't used pause menus a great deal lately, but I know that they open up a different scene until you unpause the game. I don't know if it can do what you're trying to do though.

    Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.

  • digitalzerodigitalzero Member, BASIC Posts: 639
    @ADSentertainment well let me try to put things into "pausespective" lol...

    here are the scenes "stage 1" "titty bar" "titty bar buy menu"

    now theres a button on "stage 1" that allows you to pause the game and go to the "titty bar" after you are in the titty bar scene there will be a button that allows you to purchase which will bring you to the "titty bar buy menu" after i would want the person to resume gameplay so what would i insert them to get back... would it then be a "resume game" and then lead me back to "titty bar" and then to go back to gameplay would you need another "resume game"? i hope im explaining this right
  • ADSentertainmentADSentertainment Member Posts: 397
    I have a better perspective now, instead of just making another pause, try and make it so when you purchase something, an object that is the "buy menu" will pop up with other buttons on what you want to buy or whatever. I don't think you would need another pause menu for it. If you understand what I mean

    Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.

  • digitalzerodigitalzero Member, BASIC Posts: 639
    yeah i was thinking about that as well.. but then i am not trying to have too many actors or images... i have about 200 so far and i havent even started the programming process yet... but im going to have to use this example for more than just what im mentioning here
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