How do you guys can develop a big game?
I am developing a game that's over 50 MB and GameSalad is sooooo slow, bugs everywhere and other things. I don't know how you guys are able to develop bigger games than 30 MB or 40 MB. CPU use near 100% and 3-4 GB of ram usage. Guys that's not possible.
Also, you drag an actor and the system react after 3-4 seconds. Unusable.
I am developing a game that's over 50 MB and GameSalad is sooooo slow, bugs everywhere and other things. I don't know how you guys are able to develop bigger games than 30 MB or 40 MB. CPU use near 100% and 3-4 GB of ram usage. Guys that's not possible.
Also, you drag an actor and the system react after 3-4 seconds. Unusable.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Because if you gave gamesalad a chance and actually learned how to use it properly you will be able to make a game any size without lag by optimising things such as learning how to use less timers, interpolate and use tables aswell as learning all the aspects of small image use and kb sizes theres alot more to it than you currently think.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
The preview player also is a lot slow. A lot of things to work for the GS team. Anyway I am not going to develop with GS for the rest of my life. Maybe the game I am developing will be the last with gamesalad.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
All kidding aside, you just need to go through your project, @patapple and try your best to streamline some of the logic. 50mb is not very big, considering. Something in there is killing your performance. Did you try the re-naming of the Android "SDK" folder? I can also confirm this will greatly improve the creator performance. You just have to re-name it back to SDK when you want to publish to Android.