Table not working when importing CSV file

ajladueajladue Member, PRO Posts: 24
I have a trivia game that uses tables to store the answer and the answer choices for each question in a row. So right now i have like 600 rows and I made this table in excel in order to have spell check and generally be easier so I exported that as a CSV and imported it into Gamesalad. When i try to play the game though, none of the information that it should be getting form the tabel is showing up and I have no idea why! When i delete all of the rows and then manually type in a few rows to test with, it works fine and the questions will pop up and use the info from the table but not when i import the csv. This used to be working but like a month ago all the sudden it stopped working and I have no answers for it. Please help! I really want to release this app; it's almost done!



  • ajladueajladue Member, PRO Posts: 24
    I downgraded to 10.1 and opened the file and it is still having the same issue. With all 600 rows in there it wont work, but with a few it seems to work sometimes. Ugh... Please Help!
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    My guess is corrupt excel data, but it could also be related to your rules if it only happens when the table is a certain size. What happens when you take half of your spreadsheet and import it, and then the other half? Or, say, 30 rows? You may have to do some trial and error to figure out where the problem lies.

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  • ajladueajladue Member, PRO Posts: 24
    It was a problem with a row in excel. Thanks so much!
  • maRaidermaRaider Member Posts: 2
    Can I ask what the problem with the row was? I am having this same issue.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    @maRaider, this thread is five months old... you probably won't get a response unless you notify the user like this: @ajladue.

    My guess would be an invalid symbol or something caused by converting the file to other formats and back again.

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  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653
    edited October 2013
    Lately, I've noticed that my tables stop working if I accidentally add an ellipses to the table somewhere, that is "...".

    It seems Game Salad can't handle the ellipses symbol being used in the table, in say, a text cell. It just makes the entire contents of the table not come into Game Salad.

    Game Salad really should be able to handle it, I'd have thought.

    But yes, anyway, you probably have at least one "..." in your cells somewhere. Delete them all and it might work.

  • hiddevandijkhiddevandijk Member Posts: 17
    Saving excel files on windows gives you different CSV save options. I am on mac now, but I remembered that I once had similar problems and wasted an evening on chasing a ghost.

    Try the differnt outputs from excel to see which one works best.
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