Recording your iPhone screen...
Hey I was wondering how to record my iPhone screen so I can start creating game play footage of my game
But I can't, well I can if I Jailbreak my iphone and I don't want to do that
Please help can someone tell me how?
I have an iPhone 4 (Not "S" and not "5").....
Ps.I'll be upgrading after I release my app.

But I can't, well I can if I Jailbreak my iphone and I don't want to do that

Please help can someone tell me how?
I have an iPhone 4 (Not "S" and not "5").....
Ps.I'll be upgrading after I release my app.
I hope someone has a solution for us.
The reason I ask is if you are using the Mac version you could just output the game into the IOS Simulator to play the game and record it with QuickTime... That is how I did the video for my "Wboko Splat" game.
If that don't work let me know....
I might just have to Jailbreak (I so badly don't want to).
But! if I have to do it your way, is there a way I could hide the mouse arrow?
Thanks for the help though.
I constrained the plane to the mouse in the game. But when I recorded the video with "Screen Record Tool Lite" I unchecked the show mouse option so in the video you see the plane fling around but not the mouse. You could create an actor that looks like a finger or whatever and constrain it to the mouse. When you record the video it will only show your actor moving. If that doesn't work for you I guess you are Jail breaking... X_X
And if anyone is wondering about the game in the video... It is called "Wboko Air War". In the game you will fly planes from the Wright Brothers plane to today F22's. That is the plan anyway... still work to
1. A program called Reflector, which airplay mirrors your ios device to the mac screen.
2. Screenflow, to record the mac screen.
Reflector is not compatible with iPhone 4
only 4s and better
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
p.s. GS Preview give's me better fps than IOS Simulator.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
and then crop the screenrecording while in the Gs viewer - there are many ways to do it - any of the above is legit
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.