Infininte levels Member Posts: 4
edited April 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
Help! I am making a 2D game and want a level system that infinitely spawns one more enemy then the last level (endless game.) I have tried what you told me but i can not get past level 2. see my comment


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Sounds like you need a game integer that counts up by 1 after each round then in the spawner have a self.counter that counts up every time an enemy is spawned and if game.counter is less than self.counter spawn enemy.

    I'm away from the mac ATM but if no one else helps or does a quick demo and I get time 2morro I will make you a quick demo mac project.

  • LyboTechLyboTech Member Posts: 135
    Make an attribute for spawning enemies, so when you complete a level it goes like this:

    enemycounter = enemycounter+1

    Then the enemy spawner will spawn X amount of enemies according to the enemycounter

    Hope this helped :)
  • thanks
  • The level up is not working when i defeat the enemies on level two
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