Trouble with actor movement at a 45* angle
I'm trying to make an 8-bit style top view game, and getting the diagonal movement right is screwing me.
I want to have two different animations for, say, NE movement: one facing north and moving northeast and the other facing east. I tried using custom attributes for the cardinal directions so whatever way the actor is 'facing' or moving will define the NE animation, but it will either switch between both or choose one. The change attribute for the specific direction is limited to only the one key down and the others up, but when two keys are pressed it swaps between the two values, seemingly ignoring the definition of the rule that pressing those two buttons will not change the value.
I hope I explained it well enough, thanks for any help.
I want to have two different animations for, say, NE movement: one facing north and moving northeast and the other facing east. I tried using custom attributes for the cardinal directions so whatever way the actor is 'facing' or moving will define the NE animation, but it will either switch between both or choose one. The change attribute for the specific direction is limited to only the one key down and the others up, but when two keys are pressed it swaps between the two values, seemingly ignoring the definition of the rule that pressing those two buttons will not change the value.
I hope I explained it well enough, thanks for any help.