Reseting the Timer when actor is destroyed
I would like to know if there was a behavior to reset a my game there are multiple actors
when the game starts the player can touch any of the actors to destroy them..the player will have to eventually destroy all the actors by touching them...when the first actor is destroyed..a timer starts and after 5 seconds it triggers another action (ill call it t.action for this example) when another actor is destroyed after that first initial one that started the timer, and every actor destroyed after that by touch, the timer will reset back to 0 and start again...i am trying to get t.action to happen whenever no actors have been destroyed after 5 seconds...but if the player was to constantly destroy each actor under 5 seconds, t.action would never happen
when the game starts the player can touch any of the actors to destroy them..the player will have to eventually destroy all the actors by touching them...when the first actor is destroyed..a timer starts and after 5 seconds it triggers another action (ill call it t.action for this example) when another actor is destroyed after that first initial one that started the timer, and every actor destroyed after that by touch, the timer will reset back to 0 and start again...i am trying to get t.action to happen whenever no actors have been destroyed after 5 seconds...but if the player was to constantly destroy each actor under 5 seconds, t.action would never happen
So in your actor that controls the events that trigger.
Game level attribute Integer (t.action)
Self attribute in event actor Real (start.time)
Self attribute in actor interger (fired)
Self.time > 0 Game.t.action = 1
Change attribute self.start.time to self.time
Rule inside this rule.
Self.start.time > 0 Self.time > self.start.time+5
Do action
Change attribute self.fired to 1
New rule outside of rules above.
Self.time > 0 Game.t.action = 2 Self.fired = 1
Change attribute self.start.time to self.time
Rule inside
Self.time > self.start.time + 5
Do action
Change attribute self.fired to 2
Just add more rules like the second I called new rule and just adjust the numbers game.t.action and self.fired and at the end reset the self.start.time attribute to 0.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
what i did is each actor has a boolean attribute (isdead1, isdead2, isdead3) that becomes true when it the actor is destroyed
when an actor is destroyed for the first time i have a trigger actor off screen that sets a start.self.time attribute to self.time...when self.time = start.self.time+2...start t.action
This trigger actor also has conditional rules for when each actor on screen gets destroyed and sets it boolean (isdead) to true
Now whenever an isdead attribute becomes true, start.self.time gets set at the current self.time, thus making the condition for t.action to happen (if self.time = start.self.time+2) unmet and the t.action has not happened yet.
if all actors are destroyed the trigger actor gets destroyed and t.action will never happen in that scene unless reset.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS