Bejeweled Logic Template
GSHelper wont let me make an account for some reason. Keeps giving me my username is invalid characters.. its not lol
So does anyone have the free template that supply for the bejewled style logic board? Post it up if do! I wanna a go at it
GSHelper wont let me make an account for some reason. Keeps giving me my username is invalid characters.. its not lol
So does anyone have the free template that supply for the bejewled style logic board? Post it up if do! I wanna a go at it

im wanting to create bejeweled obviously... this was best post i could find that i think was gonna be helpful.... by mr @Elfizm
"So for example each actor is given a own unique ID. Using tables that information is stored. It also has two other attributes, col and row. This tells it where it is on the game and where it is on the table.
Now, if table value is 1, it means it's a yellow actor, 2 is green ect (or what type an actor is, you choose what you want those values to equal)
On each actor have an Detector attribute, integer in which that number can be changed depending on what actor your looking for.
To find one next to the one you touched, (or an event or continuous you just get rid of the of touch is pressed)
When touch is pressed, (if your doing it)
Another rule added with "any of these happen then"
If self.detector is equal to Tablevalue(table1,self.row+1,self.col)
Then do event you want to happen.
Self.detector is used to get the value needed to check. If you want to know if a value 1 (could mean a yellow actor) is near change it to 1. It will then, when press check if there is one next to.
If you only want one direction, get rid of some of the tablevalue rules as needed.
Hope this helps a bit if not too confusing
so ya.... any comments/help wanna be thrown my way. or forseeable problems?
Can't make an account?!? We're on it!
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So thinking out loud, and I have time today so I will put it to test, but your going to need, following on from my above work, to detect of the same number is up,down,left and right. If the actor finds a match, it will put that down in it's attribue, the ID of it, so if the one on the left is 19, then 19 will be recorded, it should then change another self.attribute to plus one. So if there is two gems around it, two IDs are going to be recorded. And the self.howmany will equal 3.
Now if self.howmany Is equal to 3 or more, then change table.selected (this is just a list where I can store info at once, having a zero value means that actor is not selected, having a 1 means it is)
So change table.selected, row.first recorded, col.1 to 1
And change second recorded value to 1 ect ect.
Then change self.howmany to 1 since the process is going to be restarted,
Then if 1 is equal to self.selected, self ID. Col 1 then add score, destroy self and this is where i get a bit lost as to how i would change the variables to make it happen again.
So like I said i will attempt to it at home,
Th switching bit, that's a bit easier, but complicated to explain. In a since your jut collecting two variables.
He couldn't get it approved by GS was the last I heard of it.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Edit: Nevermind... It won't let me any more.
on a similar note, but seperate... i was wondering.. say i have a 9x9 table with all integers. and all 1s....
and i have a 9x9 grid with all different numbers that continiously change and update another table... how can i easilly level complete with the tables are equal? essentially. a current board table... and a bunch of other tables that are the levels. still learning tables o.o
- Thomas
- Thomas