Problems resetting the score!!

Hi guys!
I am working on my game (hoping I can make some money and buy the Pro version of GS) and I need some help with the scores and restart and reset blah blha,...

So I have a rule "When block hits Guy, destroy and change scene to 'Game Over' ". On the Game Over box, it displays the High Score and the Score I just did. Under the box, there is a Restart button, that should take you to the in game scene and reset the current score but not the highscore. Please help! I have a reset scene behaviour on "When block hits Guy, destroy and change scene to 'Game Over' "but instead, it takes me to the title screen. Please help


  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited May 2013
    Post a screen shot of your code that will help. A game reset will always do a fresh restart of the game to the start and return anything not saved before restart to it's default condition. Make a scene called end of game scene then when the game is over you need to use a change scene behavior and go to the end of game scene first. In that scene you should save your high score and also have it load at the beginning of the game into the high score attribute you created. You can do this either with a table or a save behavior. Then on the end game scene have your button to reset game and inside the touch is pressed rule put the reset game behavior in a timer to after .2 seconds reset game this give the device time to scan the code once and assures things get saved before you reset.
  • alexconsincalexconsinc Member Posts: 54
    how do i post screenshots lol?
  • SolarPepperStudiosSolarPepperStudios Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2013
    < src="image"/> add img before the src
  • alexconsincalexconsinc Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    what? don't understand. How do i get the URL of pics saved on my desktop?
  • alexconsincalexconsinc Member Posts: 54
    /Users/alexcons/Desktop/Screen Shot 2013-05-04 at 14.50.24.png
  • alexconsincalexconsinc Member Posts: 54
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    You need to use a hosting service like dropbox or a photosharing site and post the url as shown.
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