Aim: Trajectory Released! My first game!
Hey guys! My first game released late last night! I appreciate all the community help! My next game, Zombie Themed, is pending! So, keep your eyes peeled cause I'm going to be releasing around 2 games a month for next 3 months or so as I have a stockpile of games I've been working on over the last year!
Hey guys! My first game released late last night! I appreciate all the community help! My next game, Zombie Themed, is pending! So, keep your eyes peeled cause I'm going to be releasing around 2 games a month for next 3 months or so as I have a stockpile of games I've been working on over the last year!
Haven't played it yet, but my only comment is that the background tends to overwhelm the other elements of the game like the blocks and the ball. You don't have to change the pattern / remove it -- just decrease opacity.
I agree with @TheGabfather that the background is a little loud, but I do dig the background.... =D>