how to make player only have certain number of bullets to shoot?
Hi, I'm making a game where one player1 spawns out bullets that player2 can collect to shoot. I need help with how to make it so the bullets disappear if not collected by player2, and how to make it so player2 only can shoot what it collects. Thanks for any help!
Best Answers
IsabelleK Posts: 2,807
Not sure if this is want you want - make two integer attributes - game.ammo1, and game.ammo2.
If player shoots, change game.ammo1 (for player 1), or game.ammo2 (for player 2), to game.ammo1, or game.ammo2 -1.
If player overlaps, or collides with ammo crate, change attribute game.ammo1, or game.ammo2 to game.ammo1, or game.ammo2 +X (number of bullets collected). -
tatiang Posts: 11,949
bullet actor:
Timer after [some number] seconds
Destroy actor
player2 actor:
When actor collides with [bullet actor]
Change Attribute game.bulletCount to game.bulletCount+1
When [all] [condition for shooting, such as key pressed] is true AND attribute game.bulletCount>0
[spawn shootingBullet actor]
shooting bullet actor:
When [any] actor collides with [enemy actor] OR self.Time > [some number]
Change Attribute game.bulletCount to game.bulletCount-1
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