stacked actors have a "squishy bounce"
So in my game i have about 50 actors which all all colors blocks..they are stacked on the screen on a 9X6 block grid...i have each block accelerating down (value 400) unless there is a collision detected...this has resulted in a very buggy experience...
so first thing is when the scene loads or when i click reset, all the actors seem to squeeze down a bit...this is a problem because if they are beside a specific block, it gets destroyed...since all the stacks are kind of squeezing differently (im guessing the number of blocks has to do with in because the columns are 3-6 blocks high..this is a problem obviously because actors getting destroyed right when i load the scene or reset...its weird cause it doesn't always happen, sometimes it will be fine and no actors are getting destroyed before i do anything..its weird cause it only happens at reset or when i load the scene...when the game is running and i destroy a lower block so all the higher ones fall down, there is no squisky effect...
that video is the closest i cant find to describe my situation...this is what is happening to me
the second problem is that sometimes the screen will just freeze (i cant reset) and moving blocks will jitter or blink up and down (the ones that collide and destroy both if they have right tag)
all the actor blocks have bounciness to 0 and density to 0.01.
i feel like the first problem is more important right now and anyone know any solutions please let me know!
i have looked around a lot and i have not found much...through experimentation SOME of the bouncy squishiness was eliminated if i set the bottom blocks in each column to unmovable
so first thing is when the scene loads or when i click reset, all the actors seem to squeeze down a bit...this is a problem because if they are beside a specific block, it gets destroyed...since all the stacks are kind of squeezing differently (im guessing the number of blocks has to do with in because the columns are 3-6 blocks high..this is a problem obviously because actors getting destroyed right when i load the scene or reset...its weird cause it doesn't always happen, sometimes it will be fine and no actors are getting destroyed before i do anything..its weird cause it only happens at reset or when i load the scene...when the game is running and i destroy a lower block so all the higher ones fall down, there is no squisky effect...
that video is the closest i cant find to describe my situation...this is what is happening to me
the second problem is that sometimes the screen will just freeze (i cant reset) and moving blocks will jitter or blink up and down (the ones that collide and destroy both if they have right tag)
all the actor blocks have bounciness to 0 and density to 0.01.
i feel like the first problem is more important right now and anyone know any solutions please let me know!
i have looked around a lot and i have not found much...through experimentation SOME of the bouncy squishiness was eliminated if i set the bottom blocks in each column to unmovable