problems with submission...

bosonebosone Member Posts: 56
i have tried several times in the last weeks to send a mail to
assetmanager at
to upload one new asset to expand my portfolio but i don't receive anything back (not even in spam).
is there any problems with the upload manager??

previously everything worked ok...


  • bosonebosone Member Posts: 56
    any hint on this??
  • Alembic_SoftworksAlembic_Softworks Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2013
    Come to think of it, the last time I submitted I had an error too, I forget what it was, this was back in January and I've been busy with school since and never really sought to resolve it. I did get a confirmation email though. If you didn't get the confirmation maybe tag or email support directly to see what the issue is.
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