How to Keep Control Buttons on Screen

Hey guys! I'm having trouble trying to figure this out: I have a game with a screen size of 480width x 1500height. It is a game where you can fly forward and control left and right movement. However, I made a "control camera" behavior where the camera follows the spaceship and that works fine. But when the spaceship flys forward, the scene follows, but the left and right control buttons are left behind.

So my question is - How do I make the control buttons stay on screen during a scrolling movement?
Thanks for your time!


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited May 2013
    You will need to make a new layer call it HUD or something and move it to the top of the layer so the controls stay above the other actors and make it none scrollable (uncheck the box).

  • ronnyg12ronnyg12 Member Posts: 5
    Nice! Worked just as you said, perfectly! Thanks!
  • GamexsGamexs Member Posts: 35
    What about HUD .. i have also same issue .how to make paush and reset button stay at one place .
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