iphone resolution

nir3112nir3112 Member, PRO Posts: 314
i have to ask
if i choos in gamesalad iphone resolution the screen is exactly for iphone?
so if make all the game for the size af the screen it will fit perfectly for my iphone?
and what iphone exactly?
thx alot!


  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    Legacy iPhone = iPhone 4S and under
    iPhone = iPhone 5

    Don't forget as of may 1st, apple requires the apps to fit the whole screen on all idevices. So you have to incorporate your app to fill the entire screen. There are plenty of threads throughout the forums to help explain how to achieve this.
  • nir3112nir3112 Member, PRO Posts: 314
    Legacy iPhone = iPhone 4S and under
    iPhone = iPhone 5

    Don't forget as of may 1st, apple requires the apps to fit the whole screen on all idevices. So you have to incorporate your app to fill the entire screen. There are plenty of threads throughout the forums to help explain how to achieve this.
    Ok but when I open my project I selected iphone what iphone is this? 5?
    And it will fit to every iPhone?
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Yes as was stated, iPhone=iPhone 5 that is Apples' new standard and no it won't fit every iPhone, that's why have you still have iPhone legacy choice available. You need to build on iPhone setting, and adjust for older iPhones that may cut off (crop) due to the difference in length.

    You can change the iPhone setting while viewing playback In the creator (hit refresh button when you do) to see what the difference would be and you may need to set up rules that adjust actors accordingly. There are many topics on this subject.
  • nir3112nir3112 Member, PRO Posts: 314
    Yes as was stated, iPhone=iPhone 5 that is Apples' new standard and no it won't fit every iPhone, that's why have you still have iPhone legacy choice available. You need to build on iPhone setting, and adjust for older iPhones that may cut off (crop) due to the difference in length.

    You can change the iPhone setting while viewing playback In the creator (hit refresh button when you do) to see what the difference would be and you may need to set up rules that adjust actors accordingly. There are many topics on this subject.
    so i select iphone legacy but i have to options 'crop' and 'letterbox' but by what i should work crop or letterbox??

  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    For iphone legacy to work on all devices. You would have to crop or like @singlesparq said you would have to set up rules in each of your actors to make them adjust depending on what device it's being played on.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    I think due to the rule changes by Apple we can no longer use letterbox since Apple will most likely reject it if not full screen @straightsaladshooter may have to enlighten us. Me thinks the creator will get changed to reflect this at some point and it may already be changed at the binary creation stage. I don't think you would even use iPhone legacy at this point (except when test playing) for developing as it must run on iPhone 5 properly.

    I'm using iPhone, resolution independence and crop mode with rules to adjust if the resolution is below iPhone 5. (Different story if we're talking universal iPad stuff)
  • nir3112nir3112 Member, PRO Posts: 314
    I think due to the rule changes by Apple we can no longer use letterbox since Apple will most likely reject it if not full screen @straightsaladshooter may have to enlighten us. Me thinks the creator will get changed to reflect this at some point and it may already be changed at the binary creation stage. I don't think you would even use iPhone legacy at this point (except when test playing) for developing as it must run on iPhone 5 properly.

    I'm using iPhone, resolution independence and crop mode with rules to adjust if the resolution is below iPhone 5. (Different story if we're talking universal iPad stuff)
    thx for your good answer
    i download the code from one of the topics above and it works all my app is for legacy iphone and iphone 5!
    Apple will approve my app?
  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    @singlesparq I don't think they will remove it completely off the creator, because people still can pick between that for android and other platforms.

    @nir3112 well we can't gurentee they will approve it ;) but as long as it fills the screen one all iPhone devices then yes they will approve it.
  • alex_bluealex_blue Member, PRO Posts: 6
    iPhone apps only have to satisfy iPhone 5 and Legacy iPhone full screens right? Not iPad too? Thanks for taking the time ^_^
  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    iPhone apps only have to satisfy iPhone 5 and Legacy iPhone full screens right? Not iPad too? Thanks for taking the time ^_^
  • Jogos_TDAJogos_TDA PRO Posts: 46
    I cant find an option to create an app with iphone5 resolution in my GS (windows version)...
    Is this available only for Mac version GS?
  • SixFeetOfMeatSixFeetOfMeat Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    Jogos_TDA - The selection for iPhone 5 is just called "iPhone Landscape" or "iPhone Portrait". If you select one of these you can verify it is the proper device by opening the initial scene, opening the size option and noting the dimensions as those of the iPhone 5 (568x320 for the landscape for example).
  • Jogos_TDAJogos_TDA PRO Posts: 46
    When I choose "iPhone Landscape" in my Gamesalad 0.10.00 (Windows version) it starts with 480x320... :(
    @Sixfeetofmeat : It seem to me this feature may be only available for mac users... :(
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