Edit Game in Xcode!
Who agrees with me that GameSalad should bring back the edit in Xcode feature? It would be a pro-only feature, but I feel that it would be excellent and extremely useful!
Let me know what you think below!!
Let me know what you think below!!
GameSalad is great for "normal" people
I would definitely buy pro immediately, if this were added! With this, we won't have to wait on a behavior from GameSalad every time we want a certain feature. Everybody has different priorities and want to implement different things, so GameSalad right now can't keep adding behaviors to meet everyone's needs. Although they can get in essentials like ads, there are many other APIs people want to use.
Being able to implement our own things will truly make GS a powerful tool.
P.S. I hope you're taking notes, @CodeWizard
Though to be clear I don't think there ever was an actual feature to export to Xcode. I believe it never made it off the planning table.
It may seem odd to allow an out from GameSalad, but the price you set for this one time fee could be much higher than a Pro Membership cost. It makes sense for GS to want to maintain its role as proprietor for the methods GS users have to make these games, but it is a hinderance to a very small number of full-time users. This would be the type of feature that could, and quite frankly from a business angle, should be expensive.
I also see it as a way to make GS an even more attractive product for people who haven't decided on their app creation direction yet. Knowing that if you get big enough you could purchase an export of the native code would be an amazing option. Most people wouldn't use it, just like how lifetime guarantees work, but it would be a major selling/switching point knowing it's possible.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Mozilla has a product called SpiderMonkey which parses Javascript code in to C. This is what the guys at Cocos2d-html5 use, so they program their games in Javascript (HTML5 games in other words) and then use SpiderMonkey to wrap that Javascript code in C/C++, allowing the games to be run natively on iOS and Android.
So I guess (again I have no coding expertise) it may be feasible that depending on the state of Gamesalad's HTML5 engine, GS Javascipt code could be parsed through SpiderMonkey and wrapped in C/C++, which might open up a lot of options for integrating other features before compiling. I'm sure non of that would be easy though if possible at all, just my early morning mind-ramblings...
I agree with you
I will absolutely stay with GameSalad for ever if we can edit the game in xcode
Even who know the coding will use GameSalad for normal stuff & use the hard stuff (like water & rope) in xcode
Really amazing feature we hope to add in the engine
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I really hope they integrate this feature. Writing an app from scratch in Objective-C is no easy task. I think that if you could create the game with the simplicity of GameSalad and then export it to Xcode, it could be ideal and highly efficient for those who know code.
Personally, I wold be more than happy to pay a little extra (even onto of the pro license) for this feature!
If anyone else agrees, please chime in if you have any suggestions?
Oh, and one more thing: does anyone know which language GameSalad uses? Is it LUA?
I see what you did there!
What is custom behavior? Ability to add our own behaviors by coding?
Oh, wow! Awesome! Does this mean we will be able to add behaviors in Objective-C?
Humm so when this is available and I pop up and say hey codewizard sure would be nice if Gamesalad had a "reverse rotate" behavior your reply might be you know BBenk if you would learn Lua or JavaScript you could make that yourself and save me the trouble.
Should we expect this later this year? I really can't wait for this feature (would it support BOTH Lua & JavaScript)?
just several months (presumably in 2013)??
@CodeWizard you're amazing! >:D<
Any chance that this means we would be able to create global methods/functions that actors tap into?
Wboko is so torn on this one.... 8-}
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS