Bug with GameSalad Mac Creator 0.10.3
Here is a video of the problem I am having:

For now I am sticking with GS 0.10.1
@SaladStraightShooter @CodeWizard
Hope someone can help.

For now I am sticking with GS 0.10.1
@SaladStraightShooter @CodeWizard
Hope someone can help.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thank you for that advice to rebuild a few days back @FryingBaconStudios, it has made a smoother game for me!!!
Changing a numerical value to "true"
Changing a numerical value to a table value which happens to access the 0 row or column because the attribute in the tableCellValue expression for either the row or column starts at 0 before it gets the chance to become a valid value.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS