iOS App made using Windows Creator - What Now? Help needed from someone at GS who knows!

kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
edited May 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
I just spent 6 months building an app specifically for ios using Windows Creator. Please tell me what I can do now that the app is built. I have received lots of conjecture (and flames), but no facts. No one knows for sure.

I dont need to rent or buy a Mac, since I have access to a friend's - I just need to know what steps I must take NOW that the App has been built using Windows version 10.0. Is a Mac needed for Building, Publishing, just signing, or for EVERYTHING (ie, does the app need to be rebuilt from scratch)?! If I can utilize my Windows files in some way, what version of Mac Creator should I use to import and publish, since 10.3 is so different?

Would someone from GS PLEASE guide me? I am completely lost!

Thank you


  • JordeyyJordeyy Member Posts: 409
    i have sent you a PM :)
  • JordeyyJordeyy Member Posts: 409
    edited May 2013
    you have to export the project as a Macintosh .zip file , this will give you your project as a zip file which can be later opened on a mac

    at the end of that video it tells you how to take a windows project and use it on mac
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    Great - Thank you!

  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2013
    Windows GS 10.0 (conversion / Mac zip) to Mac (10.1, 10.3) does not work properly.

    Where can I find version 10.0 to try?
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2013
    Dear GS -

    The Windows version of the game works perfectly. However, when converted and tested on Mac, the game does not work perfectly.

    So, according to all of the the information given to us by users on the forum, we need a Mac to PUBLISH the iOS games. However, should we do a final check for errors using the Mac Creator - or just publish as is? Should the game work the exact same way when played within GS's viewer?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    have you submitted a Support request to GameSalad? the support people do not have time to check every thread on the forums to see if its a support issue or not. you need to actually submit a report to the from the link at the bottom of the page.
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2013
    Yes - I submitted a support ticket on Friday

    Just here in the conference room with a group of Macs on the table. It does not work properly when converted. macinclouds does not work either
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    I meant to say yes. Ithought you asked if I submitted a bug report.

    Sorry - No sleep over here
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    Do you know if the there is a way to have the debugger give us a line by line update as it runs the code?
  • nir3112nir3112 Member, PRO Posts: 314
    Do you know if the there is a way to have the debugger give us a line by line update as it runs the code?
    its simple just download VMware and download mac Lion or higher then connect your USB to the virtual machine and take the app from there to the virtual mac then install GS on the mac and open the project(just double-click)
    and its done! everything should work fine..
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2013

    Yes - I am now working within a mac environment. However,
    However, when converted and tested on Mac, the game does not work perfectly. The Windows version of the game does work perfectly.

    I am now trying to find out if the Mac version should work the exact same way when played within Mac GS's viewer. I would think that it should, but not sure.
  • JordeyyJordeyy Member Posts: 409
    @kaanuki i would look through your codes and check there all right , because swapping to mac might of changed some codes , cause they work different to windows
  • kaanukikaanuki Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2013
    Yep - thats what Ive resorted to. Code behavior is much different, or bugs.

    The location of attributes causes Mac version to freeze where as the Win version approves them. weird.

    Plus I am getting different behaviors each time I preview it. Particularly with timers and Pause behaviors.
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