Custom arc movement with slight acceleration.
Hi there!
Once again (hopefully the last one) I am forced to humbly ask you for your help.
I want to make custom arc movement - it is going to be a planet that goes on the specific arc. I would love to have there an attribute that can vary the arc value, as I want my actors to be recycled and to shoot at.
I tried to make velocity + acceleration but I was not satisfied with the result really.

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Once again (hopefully the last one) I am forced to humbly ask you for your help.
I want to make custom arc movement - it is going to be a planet that goes on the specific arc. I would love to have there an attribute that can vary the arc value, as I want my actors to be recycled and to shoot at.
I tried to make velocity + acceleration but I was not satisfied with the result really.

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I wanted to achieve effect of a falling planet or something like that and I need equation for that arc.
I tried constrain pos x and pos y to sin/cos, but I can't figure it out to work properly.
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The truth is, I am just plain lazy and find it much easier to have GS do all the calculating for me. Mostly I just know how to search the interwebs for the kind of math formulas that come up in games. I would say my main skill is being good at google search (and sometimes recognizing the right formula when I see it).
I'm sure a real mathematician would be appalled !