HELP!!! my game is coming out in one week and i need help

ok so this is whats happening so i download the viewer on my phone and my ipad on my iphone the game looks awesome but in the ipad when i put the viewer it looks really bad like all zoomed in
so does that mean that if i export it in universal would it look bad on the ipad but on the iPhone look great, i made it on Iphone size in gamesalad creator

can someone please explain detailed how to export in universal and do i need to put any type of actor that changes the screen size IDK something?....

Thanks Gamesalad community!!


  • quique13quique13 Member Posts: 99
    or should i release two versions one for ipad and one for iphone
  • ShmirlyWhirlShmirlyWhirl Member Posts: 189
    When doing a universal build, always start with iPad resolution, and scale down to other devices.

    The reason it looks blurry is because your game is displaying (insert iPhone 5 resolution here) at a much larger size, stretching it to fit the iPad.
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