collision and a rotating flipper

MegaemmanMegaemman Member, PRO Posts: 72
edited May 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey for a collision between a ball and flipper would this work ?
For ball

of course already having collision and acceleration(gravity)
already in

create self attribute :integer ( how close to flipper) set to 50-100 pixels

create rule

attribute close to flipper is > to magnitude(self.positionx-game or scene position x,self.flipper.position.y- game or scene.flipper.position.y) when actor overlaps or collides with flipper

change velocity

direction: vectortoangle(blah blah) relative to: scene

acceleration : 800

rotate to angle :

direction: vectortoangle (blah blah) relative to scene

acceleration: 800

Just wondering if that would help with detection with the flipper.


  • MegaemmanMegaemman Member, PRO Posts: 72
    edited May 2013
    @flyingbaconstudios would the flipper x and y be a game or a self attribute and also how would you constrain it to a rotating flipper by angle or something with a max and min ?
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