There's always space in the world for another zombie game...
(embarrassing for me but I don't know what DayZ is... a quick google confused me more lots of 3rd person zombie shooters...add on packs for other games... could'nt pin down an exact game... so rarely am I failed by Google)... or is it a comic?
it's a mod for the ARMA2 game atm - (full game to be released this year sometime). Even though it is a 3D game, the inventory system you created works similar to that, you find a backpack (with various amount of slots), fill it in with weapons/food and go and hunt zombies.
There's always room for a 2D zombie game, and an adventure game that has the ability somehow to kill or be chased by zombies will just add to the experience. Because who does not like zombies?
Fixed the text boxes so they wont disappear quickly if a new one pops up as an old one is about to end.
Basic setup: Essentially changed it so an attribute is counting down to 0 (rather than a timer). If an item is collected the count down is set at a given amount (referencing the column in a table). It then reduces from that time by 0.1 every 0.1 seconds. If a new item is collected the count down is reset to the new amount and continues to count down. If it = 0 the text box disappears. Simple...
The text boxes in the template now scale up when they are called upon.
They also scale and position near the object clicked on. Which makes for a different setup to your more common point and click game.
The text box scale and position is set by a self attribute on the selected item. Works pretty well, Im going to tinker with it some more to make it look a bit smarter.
It can be turned on and off, if off the text box will just appear along the top as before. Which should hopefully work well as an option to have on or off depending on the device being used and amount of screen space.
Got the above new stuff working well..... The custom size and position of each text box is working well, its also easy to decide whether you want an object to have a custom text box floating near it or stick with the default option. Also have it working so if viewing on an iphone the default top text box is used, if on ipad the customised text boxes are used.
I've spent most of this evening working out a tidy way to have a line draw from the selected item to the customised text box... it works but I think it will work better with constraint behaviours rather than interpolate... I've not used any constraints so far and would like to crack it without using any.
...featuring some salad!... and little pop up boxes...
New Stuff: New little pop up boxes: - Cool little animated pop up text boxes, linked to objects with lines (using various offsets). - They animate in and out nicely, - You can customise each boxes position and size quickly with each clickable objects self attributes. - If you play the game on an iphone all the text boxes will be positioned along the top at a default size with larger font. - When at ipad size you can tell each clickable item to either have a custom text box or a default one, depending on the item you might not always want a cutom one next to its position... perhaps if it triggers part of some story telling text, you might prefer that along the stop of the screen. - You can change the speed at which the lines are drawn and the boxes grow using individual game attributes. - The text pops up 0.2 seconds before the box is completely created to show a little movement on the text, it could wait till the box is completely built by changing one number. - One day when GS allow us to easily do custom font you should hopefully be able to animate the text fading in. - There are no constraints, or repeating timers being used at all in the project.
- A new scene can be built relatively quickly and easily… skip to 1.30 in the video to see the creation of a 'SALAD INVENTORY'. :-)
- Next thing to tackle is having the inventory position itself properly when in cropped mode… (Is there still a rumour of a zoomed mode?)
Got some paid animation concept work to do this weekend, plus kids to entertain so won't be getting round to adding much more to it for a few days… any ideas of what else it needs are welcome…
Perhaps i should start making some proper artwork for a game instead…
Nice setup you got there, it looks like everything simply works and you just need to change some attributes here and there. looking forward to get my hands on this one!
Thanks @POM ... I'll try and get it available to the masses soon.... might make a mini game with it first to iron out any bugs that might crop up for users. ... Gonna change the rules so the collectables can be anything and have a new self attribute reference the associated table row.
Right now I need to do some proper work... Wife and kids have been sent off to a village fete for the day, Spotify is waiting me to choose some loud 80's/90's punk rock (Offspring? Weezer? hmm) and I've gotta a cuppa tea ready... ...ok maybe 15 mins GS time then I'll work.... :-)
I've been out and taken some more photos with my DSLR (cheap ish Canon 450D) and started creating a few backgrounds for the template in Photoshop... its good practice for a game I want to make... plus it gave me a reason to go and explore a ruin from World War 2 that was near by over the weekend... a very cool old bunker
It's on a slightly miserable caravan park at Rye Harbour in Sussex.... I think there are a few round there.... Rye itself is a very cool town architecturally speaking too... but rubbish if your trying to drive through it. :-)
Below is my latest photoshopped image... featuring a mix of 4 or 5 photos.
And here's the bunker on its own, its actually sunken inside a raised bank... like a secret garden... its probably called something else other than a bunker... a silo?
Cheers guys... just taken a break from the computer screen this evening as I've been doodling some simple storyboard pics to work out a mini story for the template which will make use of photos I've taken... it also lets me work out what other visuals to create. Weirdly as I'm generally always making animated visuals at work I find making visuals for my own stuff harder to sit down and do... it feels less like a hobby and more like work... I quite enjoy playing in photoshop though once I'm all setup...
Getting harder to squeeze in time to work on this... pending house move is getting closer... so much to do... but want to get this done before we go.
Here's a little teaser image for one of the scenes... I'm considering water marking some of the artwork to try and prevent someone just throwing the template up on the app store...
Other things I've done so far...
- Art work for some of the other scenes (plus new scenes) - A back button is now functional (with ornate arrow image) to go back from doorways to the previous location. - It's now fully responsive, the default text boxes, inventory and back button all reposition depending which device you are using. It's setup so you could easily add more options than just iphone 4, iphone 5, and ipad. - Some other little tweaks that I can't quite remember. - Changed collectables so you set an item number, and they can each have a custom name, making it easier to find the items when looking at layers.
Still need to go through and sort out any saving rules.
It's always going to be a template and never a full game, but I do want it to be packed full of al the rules you'd need to make a point and click adventure game (minus individual puzzles).
Update with a video soon... then release hopefully.
And another preview image... (now I need to run away, warm some milk, feed a baby and then hit the hay... this indie rock n roll life style is'nt quite what I'd imagined... :-)
It's packed full of example artwork, fully labelled rules, perfect tables setup, cool custom text boxes (with animated line), optional default text boxes, rules for unlockable doors, quick and easy collectables setup, collectable inventory of different sizes.
I'll record a tutorial video in a day or 2 to accompany the template, showing how easy it is to make use of the template to add another scene to the game or start a game from scratch using it.
Latest additions from things I've mentioned before are more artwork, home button, back button, a few more scenes, locked items now have 3 custom messages (its locked/unactive, unlocked/active, you can't open it with that you numpty).
Hope you like it.
Here's the video.. (It's still uploading right now, so might be a while before it works, its says 18 minutes :-)
I'll do a separate announcement one day…. but now I need sleep... I'll also submit to GameSalads Marketplace tomorrow.
..oh… price wise what do you think? …. Is that fair for what I hope is a pretty damn tidy template.
(embarrassing for me but I don't know what DayZ is... a quick google confused me more lots of 3rd person zombie shooters...add on packs for other games... could'nt pin down an exact game... so rarely am I failed by Google)... or is it a comic?
There's always room for a 2D zombie game, and an adventure game that has the ability somehow to kill or be chased by zombies will just add to the experience. Because who does not like zombies?
Basic setup:
Essentially changed it so an attribute is counting down to 0 (rather than a timer). If an item is collected the count down is set at a given amount (referencing the column in a table). It then reduces from that time by 0.1 every 0.1 seconds. If a new item is collected the count down is reset to the new amount and continues to count down. If it = 0 the text box disappears. Simple...
Looks great Stormy!
Lump Apps and My Assets
The text boxes in the template now scale up when they are called upon.
They also scale and position near the object clicked on. Which makes for a different setup to your more common point and click game.
The text box scale and position is set by a self attribute on the selected item. Works pretty well, Im going to tinker with it some more to make it look a bit smarter.
It can be turned on and off, if off the text box will just appear along the top as before. Which should hopefully work well as an option to have on or off depending on the device being used and amount of screen space.
Night all.
The custom size and position of each text box is working well, its also easy to decide whether you want an object to have a custom text box floating near it or stick with the default option. Also have it working so if viewing on an iphone the default top text box is used, if on ipad the customised text boxes are used.
I've spent most of this evening working out a tidy way to have a line draw from the selected item to the customised text box... it works but I think it will work better with constraint behaviours rather than interpolate... I've not used any constraints so far and would like to crack it without using any.
...featuring some salad!... and little pop up boxes...
New Stuff:
New little pop up boxes:
- Cool little animated pop up text boxes, linked to objects with lines (using various offsets).
- They animate in and out nicely,
- You can customise each boxes position and size quickly with each clickable objects self attributes.
- If you play the game on an iphone all the text boxes will be positioned along the top at a default size with larger font.
- When at ipad size you can tell each clickable item to either have a custom text box or a default one, depending on the item you might not always want a cutom one next to its position... perhaps if it triggers part of some story telling text, you might prefer that along the stop of the screen.
- You can change the speed at which the lines are drawn and the boxes grow using individual game attributes.
- The text pops up 0.2 seconds before the box is completely created to show a little movement on the text, it could wait till the box is completely built by changing one number.
- One day when GS allow us to easily do custom font you should hopefully be able to animate the text fading in.
- There are no constraints, or repeating timers being used at all in the project.
- A new scene can be built relatively quickly and easily… skip to 1.30 in the video to see the creation of a 'SALAD INVENTORY'. :-)
- Next thing to tackle is having the inventory position itself properly when in cropped mode… (Is there still a rumour of a zoomed mode?)
Got some paid animation concept work to do this weekend, plus kids to entertain so won't be getting round to adding much more to it for a few days… any ideas of what else it needs are welcome…
Perhaps i should start making some proper artwork for a game instead…
Here's the video... it's long...
Gonna change the rules so the collectables can be anything and have a new self attribute reference the associated table row.
Right now I need to do some proper work... Wife and kids have been sent off to a village fete for the day, Spotify is waiting me to choose some loud 80's/90's punk rock (Offspring? Weezer? hmm) and I've gotta a cuppa tea ready... ...ok maybe 15 mins GS time then I'll work.... :-)
Also fixed bug with the text boxes where the box would appear before the line was finished drawing when in iphone size...
Have set it up so there is no line drawn when using default text boxes at the top... it seems tidier that way.
And I've created the cover art for the template quickly (guess it will be released as a template eventually).... once its 110% ready...
Once that all done and released Ill get cracking on a game I think.
I've been out and taken some more photos with my DSLR (cheap ish Canon 450D) and started creating a few backgrounds for the template in Photoshop... its good practice for a game I want to make... plus it gave me a reason to go and explore a ruin from World War 2 that was near by over the weekend... a very cool old bunker
It's on a slightly miserable caravan park at Rye Harbour in Sussex.... I think there are a few round there.... Rye itself is a very cool town architecturally speaking too... but rubbish if your trying to drive through it. :-)
Below is my latest photoshopped image... featuring a mix of 4 or 5 photos.
And here's the bunker on its own, its actually sunken inside a raised bank... like a secret garden... its probably called something else other than a bunker... a silo? || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Getting harder to squeeze in time to work on this... pending house move is getting closer... so much to do... but want to get this done before we go.
Here's a little teaser image for one of the scenes... I'm considering water marking some of the artwork to try and prevent someone just throwing the template up on the app store...
Other things I've done so far...
- Art work for some of the other scenes (plus new scenes)
- A back button is now functional (with ornate arrow image) to go back from doorways to the previous location.
- It's now fully responsive, the default text boxes, inventory and back button all reposition depending which device you are using. It's setup so you could easily add more options than just iphone 4, iphone 5, and ipad.
- Some other little tweaks that I can't quite remember.
- Changed collectables so you set an item number, and they can each have a custom name, making it easier to find the items when looking at layers.
Still need to go through and sort out any saving rules.
It's always going to be a template and never a full game, but I do want it to be packed full of al the rules you'd need to make a point and click adventure game (minus individual puzzles).
Update with a video soon... then release hopefully.
Well … it's done…
It should be in the top left here:
It's packed full of example artwork, fully labelled rules, perfect tables setup, cool custom text boxes (with animated line), optional default text boxes, rules for unlockable doors, quick and easy collectables setup, collectable inventory of different sizes.
I'll record a tutorial video in a day or 2 to accompany the template, showing how easy it is to make use of the template to add another scene to the game or start a game from scratch using it.
Latest additions from things I've mentioned before are more artwork, home button, back button, a few more scenes, locked items now have 3 custom messages (its locked/unactive, unlocked/active, you can't open it with that you numpty).
Hope you like it.
Here's the video.. (It's still uploading right now, so might be a while before it works, its says 18 minutes :-)
I'll do a separate announcement one day…. but now I need sleep... I'll also submit to GameSalads Marketplace tomorrow.
..oh… price wise what do you think? …. Is that fair for what I hope is a pretty damn tidy template.
Jon aka Stormy.