How you make pause for custom timers?
I have a game for which i used custom timers like in @tshirtbooth tutorial.
How i can stop the timers for pause the game and then start from same second?
Any exemples?
I have an idea but i want to find solutions from more experimented user.
I would probably register the left time in moment of pause and then trow back to my timer when press resume.
PS: i`m new in GS
How i can stop the timers for pause the game and then start from same second?
Any exemples?
I have an idea but i want to find solutions from more experimented user.
I would probably register the left time in moment of pause and then trow back to my timer when press resume.
PS: i`m new in GS
The rule inside the timer actor is only firing when the game.Pause attribute (integer) is not equal to 0.
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My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I try to use "pause game" action from GS, i have many actors in scene, and it will take to much to stop every element in scene in a custom way.
I also use "change attribute:game.start time to game.time"
Constrain attribute game.MyTimer to self.timer level-(game.Time-game.start time)
On screen it will be game.MyTimer, my problem is that "pause game from GS" is not stoping game.Time (and i believe is normal to work like this) so i need a workaround , i would probably use GS timers i would have 3 per scene probably 50 levels(it counts if is in scene or in entire game? how GS timers can be displayed?)
I would like to use your example @Braydon_SFX but in this moment i would have to much work to create a custom pause, if i don`t have options and you recommend to go for custom pause for game, i would chose the best option.