i cant still get my iap to work on adhoc.
hi all i keep getting this error " in-app purchase error, product identifier was not recognized", do i need to upload my binary to test iap? so far i created my iap in iTunes connect and they are waiting for screenshot,but no matter what i do i keep getting the same error, can some one tell me what exactly can cause that error please.
produc id tableCellValue( game.Table IAP ,1,1)
change attribute "money" to money.+(tableCellValue( game.Table IAP ,1,2))
save table
so in my iap table row 1,column 1, i have my id = cashof1000
and in itunes connect my id is cashof1000
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
produc id cashof1000
change attribute game.money to game.money.+(tableCellValue( game.Table IAP ,1,2)),
in the viewer when i click the actor i do get the money but in the adhoc i get the same error,
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
If you enable content hosting, you must upload your content before you submit it to Apple for review. You create an in-app purchase content package in Xcode (with a .pkg file extension) and upload it with Application Loader or Xcode. Once your content has been processed, your in-app purchase is available for testing in the sandbox environment. what exactly do i send then , my game binary? on my last 4 games i have one non consumable iap on each and i never send them nothing, i test them on adhoc and they did work.
The only time you send them anything is when you upload your binary for overall approval.