Question about the new requirements for Apple from May 1st.
I hurt some rumors about a new requirement to apple-apps. People stated that new apps has to be retina display for all devices. Unfortunately, iPad-retina is very big and requires a lot of big pictures. This causes the game to load longer and requires more space on your phone. Is these rumors true??
And then i've noticed that Xcode apps require very less space on your phone, even with Retina for iPad. (I've tested one of my friends apps which was made in Xcode. It hasn't much features but still has Retina for iPad.) And that only takes 6,4 MB of space, when my own app, done in gamesalad, (a calculator) which was also build in retina takes 15,7 MB. And there is more pictures in my friends app. And his app doesn't even load a single bit. Why does this happen??
Hope to get answers, though it could be a little hard cuz of my bad english :P
- Jaytee
I hurt some rumors about a new requirement to apple-apps. People stated that new apps has to be retina display for all devices. Unfortunately, iPad-retina is very big and requires a lot of big pictures. This causes the game to load longer and requires more space on your phone. Is these rumors true??
And then i've noticed that Xcode apps require very less space on your phone, even with Retina for iPad. (I've tested one of my friends apps which was made in Xcode. It hasn't much features but still has Retina for iPad.) And that only takes 6,4 MB of space, when my own app, done in gamesalad, (a calculator) which was also build in retina takes 15,7 MB. And there is more pictures in my friends app. And his app doesn't even load a single bit. Why does this happen??
Hope to get answers, though it could be a little hard cuz of my bad english :P
- Jaytee
Best Answer
The_Gamesalad_Guru Posts: 9,922
Let me clear it up for ya. These are not rumors. A bit of good advice always go on Apple developer or iTunes connect and read the submission guidelines before ever starting an app this way you don't waste valuable time. As of May first Apple requires all Apps to be retina supported this goes for all their mobile devices. Also, Apple is requiring that iPhone apps support the new iPhone 5 screen size no more letter boxing. Hope this helps. I have an IPad game and two things to remember about iPad first most people on iPad download apps through WiFi so no data limits like cell phones. second our app is all retina and our load times are tiny like 2 to 3 seconds. If you've had the chance to read the state of gamesalad yellow stickies you will see they are working on the load times and I would say in about a month they will have a new version in public release that is even better and on the schedule they are now working on month after month you will see great improvement in these areas. Wouldn't be worried.
Your friends game made with Xcode will have far less code, and can probably handle images and memory more efficiently.
GameSalad is improving in this area all the time. Plus they working on a Lua free version which will one day be released (probably not for a while) which will make the game code much cleaner and probably perform similarly to your friends Xcode created game.
I'm looking forward to some improvements in the speed of GameSalad's engine!