8-bit PNG's with transparency layer slowing down game's running speed
I recently converted my game's images from 24-bit png's to 8-bit png's (saving the alpha channel as well) with an online program called TinyPNG. It definitely decreased the image's size, but for some reason when i imported them into my game (replacing the previously imported images) my game ran much slower. I was just wondering if there was a reason for this. Thanks.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Agreed, it's a nightmare, it's been like that for 2 or 3 years now, deleting an image sequence is basically asking for trouble, the results are fairly unpredictable.
This issue is made all the worse by GameSalad's idiosyncratic file system that deletes the actual images from your file prior to saving !
When you say "replace", do you mean re-importing the images via gamesalad or replacing the images via the folder within the gamesalad project file?
If I need to delete a set of images or actors from GS what I do now is to do a "save" first then a "save as" so I have a copy of the project, I then delete the images and/or actors - if unexpected behavior occurs (wrong objects get deleted) then I just open the project I saved before "save as" (delete the save as project) and then repeat the process.
Please note that you can not add new images this way - by new I mean images that you have not added into your project via GS at some point. This is because GS adds a reference to your file when you first import it to GS (so if you would add new images via the method described above they would not be seen from within your project in GS).
1) After converting 24-bit png images (around 200 of them) to 8-bit png's (with an alpha channel), i imported these images into gamesalad (using the program not the gs project file system) and for some reason my game slowed down in performance.
The secondary issues discussed were:
1) When deleting images from the image pallet in gs, sometimes, the wrong image gets deleted.
2) When importing a new image, sometimes the image doesn't appear in the image pallet.
3) And, another problem reported was similar except with wrong actors being deleted when you try to delete a specific actor from the actor's list in gs
The first issue I will let @CodeWizard add it to his list
I will add the second one to my list to look into
Thanks again
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
1. Import a bunch of images
2. Import a changed version of one of the images that's about half way in the list and chose to replace it
3. Try to delete the last image in the list...
>>>It actually deletes the image you imported in step 2
1.open gamesalad start new project
2.import image with a capital letter for name "Test.png"
3.move image to make it a actor then move to scene
4. run all will be fine
5. now rename image but with small letter. "test.png"
6. import image and now you will have two
7. run game get white box
8. delete one image still get white box
9. reimport image run game all good.
@codewizard Any updates to this? I've had several issues importing Art assets and having the Mac Creator have serious issues when assets share the same name (in an attempt to overwrite / update assets).
That said, I've also used TinyPNG and I'd like to know if there are issues with those modified assets as well..
Thanks a bunch!