automatic Reset scene not working how come? any idea
ok so in my game i have lives and points when you lose all your lives you go to gameover scene
i put a Boolean attribute in the game called reset scene
so for my automatic reset scene this is what i put
one actor on the actual gaming scene is
timer after 0.1 seconds
rule when attribute game.reset scene is false
change attribute game.reset scene to true
and reset scene
so on my game over scene i have a second reset scene actor
timer after 0.1
rule when attribute game.reset scene is true
change atribute game.reset scene to false
so that if i put a retry button it will be false( game.reset scene) so it would reset the actual gaming scene right when it starts
but what happens is that when i click retry on the game over scene it goes to the gaming scene and all the hearts are gone and the score still the same one from your last play
so anyone has any clue how to fix this or how to make an automatic scene restarter?
how is the logic that i set up does not work?
thanks GS community...
i put a Boolean attribute in the game called reset scene
so for my automatic reset scene this is what i put
one actor on the actual gaming scene is
timer after 0.1 seconds
rule when attribute game.reset scene is false
change attribute game.reset scene to true
and reset scene
so on my game over scene i have a second reset scene actor
timer after 0.1
rule when attribute game.reset scene is true
change atribute game.reset scene to false
so that if i put a retry button it will be false( game.reset scene) so it would reset the actual gaming scene right when it starts
but what happens is that when i click retry on the game over scene it goes to the gaming scene and all the hearts are gone and the score still the same one from your last play
so anyone has any clue how to fix this or how to make an automatic scene restarter?
how is the logic that i set up does not work?
thanks GS community...
can anyone tell me what beefy means by setting them to manually change them before scene reset?
just realised i bumped an old thread, sorry about that.
@joelloyd He just means that game attributes are not reset by a Reset Scene behavior or a Change Scene behavior. So if you want to reset something like game.score then you would do this:
Change Attribute game.score to 0
Reset Scene
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Ahh thankyou tatiang