Changing pitch of PLAY SOUND causes "static/air noise"
I built a slider that allows the user to change the pitch of a sound that is playing. When moving the slider down (decrease pitch) all is well, when moving it back up (pitch increase) it causes an annoying high pitch static noise or air noise to be introduced into the playing sound. This noise is not in the original sound file and only occurs when pitching up after pitching down. Anyone know how to fix this?
Game Attribute
game.pitch - index
Pitch Slider
Touch pressed constrain self.position x to max( self.slider min ,min( self.slider max , game.Mouse.Position.X ))
Touch pressed constrain game.pitch to floor( self.Position.X - self.slider min )/( self.slider max - self.slider min )
Actor Attributes
Slider Min - index = 440
Slider Max - index = 840
Play Sound
Pitch = game.pitch
Game Attribute
game.pitch - index
Pitch Slider
Touch pressed constrain self.position x to max( self.slider min ,min( self.slider max , game.Mouse.Position.X ))
Touch pressed constrain game.pitch to floor( self.Position.X - self.slider min )/( self.slider max - self.slider min )
Actor Attributes
Slider Min - index = 440
Slider Max - index = 840
Play Sound
Pitch = game.pitch