Spawning enemies
I'm getting further on my project but now I need help to spawn enemies and I will list what I want the enemy to do:
1. I want it to travel down on the Y axis and I think I have solved it but I don't know if it's reliable.
2. I want it to have health.
3. I want the enemy object to take damage from the laser also I want it to have a base health of 3.
4. I want the enemy object to spawn randomly over the scene.
I will link my project below so you can take a look at it
Please keep in mind that I'm pretty new to Game Salad and I haven't managed to figure out the whole game dev engine
1. I want it to travel down on the Y axis and I think I have solved it but I don't know if it's reliable.
2. I want it to have health.
3. I want the enemy object to take damage from the laser also I want it to have a base health of 3.
4. I want the enemy object to spawn randomly over the scene.
I will link my project below so you can take a look at it
Please keep in mind that I'm pretty new to Game Salad and I haven't managed to figure out the whole game dev engine
I don't want it to be too easy if you know what I mean.
Here you are
I have not implemented a game over but that is easy to do.
I really recommend you to read through the cookbook and watch different tutorials on youtube
Thank you so much for your help!
Once again thank you for your help but then I tried out your modifications but there's one thing that's bothering me:
The icons for the "lifebars" is a tad too big, I want them to be 25x25 and I have tried to change it in the attributes but they do not change.
I have also tried adding an image instead but the images just stays there then a enemy object passes.
Any tips?