Developer looking for publisher- any recommendations?
Good evening,
Currently on the look out in exploring if a publisher would be benifical for my game. Not looking for any major big company ones. Just the Smaller ones would be great. If you happen to come across any or know some or even work as one, please hit me up a PM. Or let me know here.
So far just looking into them and what they offer and what I can offer.
Thanks in advanced
Currently on the look out in exploring if a publisher would be benifical for my game. Not looking for any major big company ones. Just the Smaller ones would be great. If you happen to come across any or know some or even work as one, please hit me up a PM. Or let me know here.
So far just looking into them and what they offer and what I can offer.
Thanks in advanced
.i market your game to generate more sales(ads, youtube, social network, word of mouth, etc)
.keep you updated on sales, net
.sometimes i'll ask if developers can create a special game for holidays like( christmas, halloween,thanksgiving) and pay them extra in advance and still give them there royalties
.i dont own any ownership to any of the developer games just the right to help market and publish them.
is one that springs to mind
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Also several people have been approached by chillingo. The only problem with them is their require their sdk be integrated and alas that is a limitation of GS.
Honestly @team6labs if you think GameSalad is so worthless why on earth are you here? It seems like every time I see you post its trolling someone about how GameSalad sucks.
I don't give praise when praise isn't deserved.
And yes publishers will publish Gamesalad games.
Often times publishers will approach you if they are interested in a project, but a few come to mind.
FDG, DotEmu, Ayopa, Forest Moon (Crescent Moon), etc.
You should really step down off your high horse. I have no issue at all with people criticizing GameSalad for a specific fault or lacking but "GameSalad just sucks in general" type comments are in no way constructive to anyone. They really seem like they are just meant to fully discourage and/or belittle anyone who want to give it a shot or is using GameSalad for thier games.
I'm actually quite surprised you didn't offer your own GameSalad exclusive publishing service you used to spam the forums with. Let me guess it didn't work out and now somehow that means GameSalad sucks?? Please stop trolling the forums. If you have something constructive to add by all means or if you have a question about how to use GameSalad then by all means do so but please stop trolling the forums for the sole purpose of bashing GameSalad.