Restore Peace to the Kingdom WITH the ...

wolfbirdgameswolfbirdgames Member Posts: 66
edited May 2013 in Announce Your Game!
Wolfbirdgames -Upcoming title-!
estore peace to the kingdom with the.. Heaven Blade! You are a Warrior Angel whom must save your Kingdom and Regain the HEAVEN BLADE.
Been working on this for awhile but recently had more time to really put more into it.
50% complete. Here are a few of the pics still in the development stages. More to come.

Heaven Blade(working Title) for ios devices, ipod, iphone, and iPad.

photo d2e9a24c-af9b-4ec9-b8bf-a8bb3903a06e_zpsfc06a3b3.jpg

photo HBscreen1_zps73838c7f.jpg
photo ScreenShot2013-05-27at60539PM_zps41ef6bf1.png
photo IMG_1653_zpsb07e92cb.png


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