Collision Player with Enemy to Destroy what is the easy way to do ?
i am back to learn gamesalad after long time with new passion and i am going well.i have a little problem how to collide player(hero) with enemy when touch the enemy or jumped on it then destroy the enemy ,i have seen a video tutorial of (Gamesalad Recipe 003: Enemy Collisions jamie cross ) but little confused, is this the only way to do. sorry for my poor english.
i am back to learn gamesalad after long time with new passion and i am going well.i have a little problem how to collide player(hero) with enemy when touch the enemy or jumped on it then destroy the enemy ,i have seen a video tutorial of (Gamesalad Recipe 003: Enemy Collisions jamie cross ) but little confused, is this the only way to do. sorry for my poor english.
"When overlap or collide with actor player(hero)" then put a "destroy behavior" in that rule. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
i have just check your name that you reply me here i am so happy i have email you today thanks for the reply you rocked man i am here back to see your work and tutorials will be back to you soon again if i have any problem