3D Perspective Backdrop

Taromon777Taromon777 Member Posts: 1
edited May 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey everyone! I recently discovered GameSalad and I'm really excited, I've dreamed of making my own game for years and never thought it possible! I want to make a Pokemon-style RPG, but as usual I'm being really ambitious; I've had a brainwave and am jumping in the deep end a little bit!

Instead of a basic 2D environment (left, right, up, down), I've used a perspective drawing of a cityscape as a backdrop, with the vanishing point in the centre of the screen. As the main character walks forwards, the backdrop slowly zooms in, to give the illusion of a 3D environment. It looks amazing, but I have a slight problem! Both the main character and the backdrop are controlled with the arrow keys - the up key makes the character walk forwards. Holding down the key makes the character walk - when I release the key, the character stops walking, but the backdrop continues to zoom until it reaches the designated coordinates I've set it to. Is there a way to "lock" the backdrop zoom to the up key, so it stops zooming when the key is released, and stays relative to the character? At the moment I'm making the background zoom with the Interpolate behaviour, is there a better way?



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