Help someone new to GameSalad with spawning actors
So with numerous tries to upload my game to GS Arcade and every time my game is not scaled accordingly to GS Arcade.
Everything's looks wrong and the reason I'm getting desperate is that I'm going to have a presentation soon and I need my prototype in working condition.
I downloaded a free trial version of GS project resizer from deep blue apps and it works fine but that still dosen't solve my problem and I have tried to find the full version but for some reason I can't manage to find it on the site.
Please help me before I pull my hair out.
Everything's looks wrong and the reason I'm getting desperate is that I'm going to have a presentation soon and I need my prototype in working condition.
I downloaded a free trial version of GS project resizer from deep blue apps and it works fine but that still dosen't solve my problem and I have tried to find the full version but for some reason I can't manage to find it on the site.
Please help me before I pull my hair out.
I'm also curious why you need to publish it to the Arcade for a presentation. Is this for a school project? Is it for contractual work? Is there a reason you can't just either make a screen recording or show the Preview window?
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it is selected for Legacy Web Game and why it's important to me is that I'm going to present my idea to a mobile game dev company that I'm on friendly terms with.
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I can resize everything but the only thing that I would need help with is to stop the enemy object to spawn outside of the screen and to only spawn inside where it's supposed to.
If you're willing to check the problem out then I'm forever grateful because this has been bugging me for three days.
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Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Well I might have done that if they weren't located in another part of the world
And also I have messaged them and they know of the situation.
I'm sorry to bother you more but could you be kind and be a little more specific?
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I have change x to 80 and y 120 but there's still enemy objects spawning outside of the field.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Well that's the option I've got for the moment and investing in a pro account is not possible with the income I have right now.
So if there's another option to save in a different format, then you're welcome to help me.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Well thanks anyway
1. I need the enemies to spawn randomly over the Game area Scene.
2. Fixing highscore.
3. Why the lasers are not destroying the enemy objects.
4. The red Health "actors" need to disappear as the enemies cross over the line.
Links of the project can be found below
Thanks for the help!
2) Cross that bridge when you come to it. You have no score yet.
3) Have a rule so that the enemy actor is destroyed when it overlaps with the laser.
4) I believe stormystudio has a really nice health and highscore template for free on his website that could really help you tackle this and #2.
Hope this helps
When this actor overlaps or collides with 'enemy' actor . . . . then destroy this actor.
this actor refers to the actor that you are placing the destroy this actor rule in . . . . i.e: you are saying when the lazer collides with the enemy then destroy the lazer.
Which is what is happening.
I have made some design changes but I still need help, I have been up all night trying to figure this out.
I have tried to do the changes you suggested in the current version but I don't get it to work.
You two people are wonderful for helping me out but could you help out a novice a little bit more?
You can find the project below and @Socks the changes you did is what I want but I don't want the enemies to die at the first shoot, I want them to be a little bit challenging.
Well I must fucking up even more (sorry for swearing) but I don't actually have no idea what's wrong anymore, if I try to change spawning position it scales it down, change something in enemy objects something else goes wrong.
I will once again add the project below
I love you
and could you link the template from stormystudio or what that fellas called?
The project file is no longer accessible via the dropbox link you provided. If you want, I can take another look at it but I doubt my advice will be different.
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Here's the link and no offense taken.
I should have myself planned out this prototype more thoroughly and given myself more time.
But again this is just a prototype and I live by a sayin' here at the school I'm studying at:
"It dosen't have to be perfect".
And my contact is informed about the situation and he said himself that he didn't expect much from my prototype as I said so myself.
But if you can make it better feel free to do any changes.
Also I'm pretty happy about what I've learned during this week so I will take it with me.
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