What are the units of speed in the move behaviour
Hey guys
During my level complete overlay, I have stars speeding in from off screen. Now i have gravity on, so unfortunately they get to their position, and then disappear off the screen. I will use the contrain attribute but need to know how long to wait before implementing the constrain ie. i do not want to contrain whislt they are sitll moving to their point. Sooooooo what are the units of the speed in the move behaviour? Is it pixels per second???
During my level complete overlay, I have stars speeding in from off screen. Now i have gravity on, so unfortunately they get to their position, and then disappear off the screen. I will use the contrain attribute but need to know how long to wait before implementing the constrain ie. i do not want to contrain whislt they are sitll moving to their point. Sooooooo what are the units of the speed in the move behaviour? Is it pixels per second???
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
And the acceleration behavior is pixels per second squared.
You could also try not using gravity at all. And instead using a downward acceleration only on the objects that you want to fall. Then it's easier to manage. Also it will probably not stress the device processor as much as applying gravity to all objects.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS