Retina X,Y compressed as well? or do i need to compensate?

I know this isn't a stupid question because my dad says that there are no such things as stupid questions... only stupid people :)

Are the X,Y coordinates on a retina display compressed to correlate with the increased pixel density?
Pictures to show what and why I am asking.

Touch1 Collides with Actor Menu.Button changes Main.Menu=1
(Does this look OK?)

Score bar is 68 pixels tall at the top of the screen, so Menu Self.Position.y should be be game.display.size.height -68 -menu height (=388) in order to "dock" onto the bottom of the score bar. (X=0=easy)

But then I started wondering.. is the X,Y coordinate system on retina display devices also compressed (which would mean no need to change the code) or is it just the graphics that get compressed and would my menu be left floating mid-screen rather than "docked" under the score bar?

I really hope I didn't make that more confusing than need be..



  • kinzuakinzua Member Posts: 554
    For retina display.. all u need to have in GS is your art to be double the size than it is intended to be in use. For e.g if you have a ball that is to be 32x32 px.. all you need to ensure is that the art of your ball is 64x64 px.

    You see with RD, its the screen density that changes not screen size.
    Taking that in consideration the co-ordinates are not affected and won't change w.r.t RD.
    Hope that helps.
  • grimtoothgrimtooth Member Posts: 69
    That's a somewhat troubling answer as I feared, so is the answer then to make 2 instances of my menu actors, one normal and one "HD" with double dimensions but the same X,Y positions... And just make a Boolean HD.True? To detect if a retina display is in use?
  • kinzuakinzua Member Posts: 554
    U don't have to detect Retina Display, GS does it on its own. You don't have to make 2 instances. GS cuts down image size automatically if the display is not retina. B-) B-) B-) B-) B-) Smart huh??
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