---How does Playhaven work within GS?---

Hello all,

After starting hearing some positive comments about playhaven , I started looking into it. Have the basics but just have a questions.

Can I choose when they pop up, I read they only occur between scene changes. I don't have any scenes so that might be an issue.

That's actually all I need to know. My thoughts are having them show up every one and then. So if I could choice that would be great.



  • Team6LabsTeam6Labs Member Posts: 541
    You need pro to begin with. I'm not sure if they can work with a timer. Although there is a more games button you can implement that is through playhaven.
  • Bad wolf GuyBad wolf Guy Member Posts: 206
    Aware of the Pro subscription requirement, so idea is that if the player loses a level, then they get to see an ad. Was wondering if this was possible.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    You could use the other games banner, I don't know if the rates differ.
  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375
    edited June 2013
    Aware of the Pro subscription requirement, so idea is that if the player loses a level, then they get to see an ad. Was wondering if this was possible.
    You could create another scene, then immediately redirect them back.
  • Bad wolf GuyBad wolf Guy Member Posts: 206

    Many thanks, looks like something will have to investigate myself.
    Without looking into it much I don't think redirecting will work effectively, not too keen on doing it just for an ad. But will see what can be achieved when I buy PRO.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited June 2013
    Building levels on one scene is becoming kind of moot as the new nightly builds are showing better and better load times. I think many on the forums are a little too over concerned about a few seconds of load time between scenes. I mean maybe it could be a slight issue for a point and click adventure but if you've played any major console game the load times are way longer than most all load times in a mobile game. Most gamers understand a game or change of scene needs a moment to load. I think this is an obsession that is unfounded. My game Puck it has a 5 second or more load time after set up to the main play area. We have gotten nothing but positive reviews comments and feedback and never once was load times even hinted at. The only critique we got was users asking for a skip intro button and a play again feature which we are adding in our coming update.
  • Bad wolf GuyBad wolf Guy Member Posts: 206

    It's not designed for reducing load times, that just happened to be nice little extra bonus for the game. It's the layout of it in away. If we could have transparent scenes (beside pauses) then I wouldn't have to have it on the one scene. But since each level folds with each other, and everything sort of over laps and translates with each other, having it all in one scene seems to fix this.

    However current working on adding scenes and so far can have an extra one for menu and level selection ect. Working some magic for the actual gameplay.

    So quick question anyone who uses playhaven. Does an ad show up every scene change or can I control which scene changes show ads.
    How much control or options do I have when implanting playhaven?

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