Mac publishing: development provision profile issue

Gordio283Gordio283 Member, PRO Posts: 31
I'm not sure what's going on. I have the developer provision profile, but when I click "Sign my App", after it downloads my game package, and the prompt asks me to select a profile, under "Select Profile for Code Signing" it says "No Mac developer certificates found"

I have all the certificates. Or at least, I think I do. My files are
Mac Development certificate. Installed on Keychain access
Mac App Distribution certificate. Installed on keychain access.
Mac Distribution Provisioning profile (Active, and dragged into Xcode)

Am I missing something?


  • Gordio283Gordio283 Member, PRO Posts: 31
    I played around with generating certificates differently all day. Not sure what I did different this time (I think it's b/c I also created a Mac *Installer* Distribution cert as well), but anyway the good news is it finally lets me select my provisioning profile during the signing process. The bad news is this is the immediate next screen:

    "Could not find the codesign_allocate tool in /usr/bin. This is required to sign Macintosh applications
    Please contact Apple developer support for assistance"
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