Is it possible to create a game silimar to Extreme road trip?
Hello. First of all, check out this game: 
I wonder if is it possible to create a game similar to this one on gamesalad.
If So, how to create the smooth curves of the montains with colosion? Would I need to create square actors for the collisions for every mountain piece?
Let's discuss about this gener of games in gamesalad.

I wonder if is it possible to create a game similar to this one on gamesalad.
If So, how to create the smooth curves of the montains with colosion? Would I need to create square actors for the collisions for every mountain piece?
Let's discuss about this gener of games in gamesalad.
Its defiantly possible although it may not work the same, You can see this kind of terrain can be created to some extent in spooky hoofs.
But you can also see the Spooky Hoofs is alot slower and Extreme Road trip is incredibly fast. I havnt played either, but the number of sprites to create a level more than 1 minute long with something the speed of Extreme Road Trip has got to be enormous and possibly a huge memory lag.
Sounds like a Challenge though. Ill bare it in mind.
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