Change Attributes of another actor...
Hi guys i've a problem with the creation of my game... please help me...
In the stage i've 4 actors... actorA, actorB, actorC, actorD, now i say on actorA: when i drag actorA and collide with actorD, actorA alpha=0, and actorD change image. Now how can i say: when i drag actorB and collide with actorD, actorA x and y turn back visible and x/y came back the original positions (337,550)?
I think that the solution is a variable on the layer, i can say when actorB collide with actorD "count=2" but where i can say if "count=2" actorA x=337 and actorA y=550?
Wait your answers, Tnx a lot!
In the stage i've 4 actors... actorA, actorB, actorC, actorD, now i say on actorA: when i drag actorA and collide with actorD, actorA alpha=0, and actorD change image. Now how can i say: when i drag actorB and collide with actorD, actorA x and y turn back visible and x/y came back the original positions (337,550)?
I think that the solution is a variable on the layer, i can say when actorB collide with actorD "count=2" but where i can say if "count=2" actorA x=337 and actorA y=550?
Wait your answers, Tnx a lot!
I don't understand all you are saying but...
If you edit an actor in a scene, you can change attributes to other actors in these scene.
Change attribute -> Current scene -> Layer -> "Your Layer" - > "Your Actor"
Hope that helps