★★★ Select Layer Demo ★★★

A simple demo file to select an actor in a particular layer.



  • DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
    Thanks mate. Useful stuff.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Cheers guys a simple one but some might find it useful.

  • troynalltroynall Member Posts: 15
    just a little confused. The actor "Layer1" has the following behaviors -

    Top Most Rule/First Rule -
    Change Attribute game.LayerNumber = 1
    Display "1"

    Second Rule
    When Actor is Pressed
    Change Attribute game.LayerNumber = 1

    So This Actor will always set the LayerNumber to 1 ?
    But what about Layer 2 and Layer 3.
    They are also "always" setting game.LayerNumber to 2 and 3 (respectively)

    It seems that GAMESALAD engine is constantly changing the game.LayerNumber to

    AND THEN when the Layer Actor is TOUCHED, the engine "really" sets the game.LayerN umber appropriately.
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