Character to face the right way after animations
Hi guys
I have a character that uses a walking animation. So that when the right arrow is pushed my character walks right, then when pushed the left arrow he turns and walks left. At the moment I've got the animation to restore image to orginal image (orginal image is facing right). That fine when the actor is walking right but I need the character to stay facing left when once the left button has finished being pressed. Any ideas guys?
I have a character that uses a walking animation. So that when the right arrow is pushed my character walks right, then when pushed the left arrow he turns and walks left. At the moment I've got the animation to restore image to orginal image (orginal image is facing right). That fine when the actor is walking right but I need the character to stay facing left when once the left button has finished being pressed. Any ideas guys?
In the rule where you actor walk to the right add this.
Change attribute self.facingright to true
And in the rule you walk left
Change attribute self.facingright to false.
Create a new rule.
If attribute self.facingright is true
Change image to "your image"(facingright)
Change image to "your image"(facingleft)
I don't know but it should work
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