Is this true?


First of all sorry about my english!

I got a really good ider for a game! My ideer is so good that Mark Zuckerberg will be jealous!
So i spend a week to find someone who want to program my app, because i'm a douchebag and to silly to make my own app in xcode! But there was no one out-there.

So i found this in site, and i was like "WOOOW" and i could not believe it! It looks so simple! So cheap only 300 dollars! But than i startet too think about, is this really true? Or fake? I mean every douchebag could make a app? So please tell, is this really what i think it is? And tell me how easy it is and thinks i schould know before i start to buy gamesalad app! :)

(Sorry about my english, i hope you undestand me. If you not undestand my than i gonna use google translate)


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