actor through mavable collide actor..

Hi , everyone..

Here's my big trouble..plz help me..
I'd like to make ball actors which fall with gravity or accelerate attribute..and there are puted in to dish actor. actor must be movable.

When i setted like this...first time ball actors looks like well filled in the dish actors but next time ball acrtors through dish actor. (ball actors look like excavator..they are tembling and unstable and finally through mavable collide actor)

I tried change density of each actors but it just make its later..
Can i set ball actors cannot through movable dish actors permanentely with keep gravity or acceleration ?.
( and stable movement in the dish actors)

PPlz!!!! HelPP MMeE!!!!


  • Sunny_1etha1Sunny_1etha1 Member Posts: 41
    Not sure I can help with code, but it's a bit difficult to understand exactly what you're asking. In the interest of clarifying for those who might be able to help, it sounds like have ball actors which fall due to gravity, and you want to be able to catch them in a bowl or container actor which is itself movable? Does that sound right? Sorta like this?

  • minsuminsu Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2013
    yes..almost same..thank for your kind art...thanks.
    I did scene gravity or accerelate to ball actors in the scene just like your picture but it happen what i wrote. (and i want a balls keep gravity even after bowl catched balls. so balls could drop if bowl or container rotate)
  • minsuminsu Member Posts: 5 happen When i use constrain attribute to the received actor for the moving control..
    is it some kind of bug of constrain attribute?
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