
Hi everyone you may know that sometimes I make websites.
I was thinking as we are a community and a friendly one. We should start helping each other in other ways.
To participate in this I decided I will help some people new to game salad and make them a small and free website devoted to the app. (On my site It says prices. These don't apply to anyone here as they are for businesses.)
Of course many people wont like doing jobs for others without any benefit. So other people could trade. For example, if someone here specialises in music & audio and needs graphics well then they could ask someone who is good a graphics if they need some music for their game. And it goes on from there.
This may be a bad idea, but it might work and help everyone here make the most out of each others help so that all of us will have great games out there.
(Here is my site so if someone does want one, you can see my capabilities. Yes it is made with rapid weaver, but unlike some wysiwyg website builders it has great plug-ins and no adverts,
I was thinking as we are a community and a friendly one. We should start helping each other in other ways.
To participate in this I decided I will help some people new to game salad and make them a small and free website devoted to the app. (On my site It says prices. These don't apply to anyone here as they are for businesses.)
Of course many people wont like doing jobs for others without any benefit. So other people could trade. For example, if someone here specialises in music & audio and needs graphics well then they could ask someone who is good a graphics if they need some music for their game. And it goes on from there.
This may be a bad idea, but it might work and help everyone here make the most out of each others help so that all of us will have great games out there.

(Here is my site so if someone does want one, you can see my capabilities. Yes it is made with rapid weaver, but unlike some wysiwyg website builders it has great plug-ins and no adverts,