Thanks socks! I also tried creating two game integer attributes and set them as the speed and linear velocity y for the 200 to 50 actor. But when i created another actor that when pressed would set both the speed and linear velocity to 0 for the 200 to 50 actor, it didnt work. Any ideas what happened?
Thanks socks! I also tried creating two game integer attributes and set them as the speed and linear velocity y for the 200 to 50 actor. But when i created another actor that when pressed would set both the speed and linear velocity to 0 for the 200 to 50 actor, it didnt work. Any ideas what happened?
No idea !?
The thing is I'm not telepathic ) so I can't see what rules and behaviours you are using and how you have set them up, if I could see them or if you could upload your GS project then I could take a quick look.
When you start a new post - there is a link just below the comment box labelled 'attach a file' - click on this link to attach your file. Your file will need to be zipped / compressed.
1) compress/zip the file. 2) Upload it to one of the hundreds of file hosting websites. 3) Once hosted the file hosting website will give you a URL. 4) Post that URL here.
Answers ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I made you a quick demo (attached):
The thing is I'm not telepathic
When you start a new post - there is a link just below the comment box labelled 'attach a file' - click on this link to attach your file. Your file will need to be zipped / compressed. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
1) compress/zip the file.
2) Upload it to one of the hundreds of file hosting websites.
3) Once hosted the file hosting website will give you a URL.
4) Post that URL here. is good.