Urgent - game unable to load, everything appears lost
in Tech Support
I have been working on this game for two years. I was just recently working on my game, then I saved it, and then something occurred, and many of the images appeared corrupted, and can't be opened in Preview. I am now unable to load the game at all. I need to know if any of these are possible on a mac, in order of preference:
1. Fix the images by some means
2. Copy an older version of the project from GameSalad Viewer (on my iPad) to the computer
3. Revert the project to an earlier date
Thanks for your help if you give me any.
1. Fix the images by some means
2. Copy an older version of the project from GameSalad Viewer (on my iPad) to the computer
3. Revert the project to an earlier date
Thanks for your help if you give me any.
From what I know you can not get the project from the viewer.
If it makes you feel any better, I lost a whole project about a month before I was ready to publish it too. X(
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I won't state the obvious that you HAVE to back up your work, especially something you've been working on for two years, as you're now painfully aware of that.
And I'm reluctant to click your download link, for all we know it was a virus that trashed your project file so I'm not keen to introduce that to my mac. If you hold tight you might be able to get some better advice from anyone who's experienced this themselves. Good luck.
You can import your project file from GS viewer ..
but should your device have jailbreak .. open any application explorer like ( iFile , iFinBox ,etc..) then go to >> var/mobile/application/GS Viewer/stored games/game.gameproj
but before you do anything else, go spend $100 on a usb drive, plug it in and turn on time machine (if you have a mac).
or sign up for crashplan
in this day and age, having a backup plan (or in my case, multiple plans) is as important as car insurance.
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Edit: Wait... it doesn't seem to be working... I'm not sure what is going on.
1. It seems to be impossible to edit prototypes.
2. Many images are blurry.
I've already corrected some of the blurry images.
Edit: Nevermind. Now it's downloading.
Edit: Failure
I've just recovered, as it seems, most of the original game file, with parts from the iPad one. However it is still impossible to edit most actors...?!
The cause of the unable-to-edit-actors problem is that the game was transferred from iPad to my computer after the catastrophic corruption of the game file. I need immediate help on how to fix this.
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