How would I do this?

ElemetAppsElemetApps Member, PRO Posts: 55
Hi! Im a noob at this and just started with GameSalad. Im having a little trouble with the game that I am making, I would like to know how could I kinda pause all actors from doing anything but during that, I would like to drag and drop an actor .so there is one actor that isn't paused. I have the drag and drop already on there so you dont have to tell me that.


  • Bad wolf GuyBad wolf Guy Member Posts: 206
    Hey sorry but its very late here, but over at they have this free demo which is a custom pause or something. It should be exactly what your looking for. Hope that helps :)
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    Make a new game attribute boolean called pause

    On all your actors you want to "pause" while dragging.
    Put in this game.attribute.pause = false
    Meaning - Is it true your actor will stop every other behavior your put in it.

    When you drag you new actor into place
    When touch is pressed
    Change game.attribute.pause to true
    Change game.attribute.pause to false
  • ElemetAppsElemetApps Member, PRO Posts: 55
    awesome! Thanks Guys!
  • ElemetAppsElemetApps Member, PRO Posts: 55
    AWESOME! I tryed it and it worked! Thank You :)
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