Free BEAT MACHINE BETA GameSalad powered!!!
Member Posts: 294
A few friends of mine ask me if I could make them a beat Machine using GS so I thought I’d give it a shot. This is not the final build, but it is near finished. I’m looking for some constructive criticism on the app. I appended values to the cells of a table though as if it were a multi dimensional array … in some ways I guess thats what tables are. Ha
I’m not looking for an overwhelming response from the dev’s here, but any feedback will help.
FYI: If your not a fan of “HipHop” music, stay away from the music section and go straight to the “TS Beat Machine”/ sequencer. This build is “Closed Source” and only playable via the Mac. I hope to submit it to apple next week sometime.
Thanks in advanced!
I’m not looking for an overwhelming response from the dev’s here, but any feedback will help.
FYI: If your not a fan of “HipHop” music, stay away from the music section and go straight to the “TS Beat Machine”/ sequencer. This build is “Closed Source” and only playable via the Mac. I hope to submit it to apple next week sometime.
Thanks in advanced!
OMG!!!!! I love the way that sequencer looks already! I want to download it NOW!
I think I'm developing a man crush here!
okay.... Let me calm down. "I so Jealous and filled with mix emotions".
I love the way this works, reminds me of the CakeWalk/ Sonar/ Steinburg stuff
FYI:...Currently downloading
After watching that I now realize I don't have a Temp controller!
is this GS engine?!?
-Way to send me back to the drawing board man! ^:)^
I'll give feedback after using it shortly ...
your code looks far more effiecient then mine... I'm very impressed, but your resume is impeccable, so its not that big a surprise coming from you!
It's not hard to find the heavy hitter developers that use GameSalad; in fact I can count them on two hands. You are one of them!
Thank you for the feedback man, I do apprieciate it! =D>
Your generating more Draw calls, but I'm using light years more memory on the graphics side! I need to convert images to Targa etc.HA
Thank you very much! their pretty easy to please, which makes my job a lot easier.Ha
Makes me wonder what other software types could be made with GS...
I completely agree, depending on what the user/ client wants, I'm sure a lot of different software could be created using GS... I personally use it as a suedo code engine a lot of times. Its so much easier to think without hundreds/thousands of lines of code!
Then you could create a basic time slider, let the user drag shapes around the scene and record their position, rotation and sizes at each particular time in a table. You could then interpolate those table figures to play back the animation. You could also let the user manipulate the colours of the white graphic shapes at various times along the slider too. Using different values for timers you could increase or decrease the interpolation times to get slow fades or quick changes.
My mind is racing haha. I don't have the time to attempt anything so epic but I reckon it's doable.
I would say your on to something, but I think you know that already...
The logic for how things could and should work is what divides the rookies from the pros.
-You my friend are on point! Ha
Needless to say, all the logic and relationships of objects you described are possible with GameSalad. The only real limitation of this engine is the users creativity. Recording object properties in GS with table are fundamentally easy; so rarely seen functions like "Rewind" from games like 'Brave" and Prince of persia are not at all difficult if your comfortable in GS.
(tables are a must!)
I'm sure at the rate these different indie IDE's are making progress, game Salad is bound to give users an option to create our own plugin, and APi' as well....
After all, competition with software developer IDE's is debatably more cut throat then that experienced by us indie game developers.
And yeah it was mentioned by CodeWizard a while back that custom scripting would be implemented at some point, so once we've got that the sky really is the limit I guess.
By the way, I don't mean to derail this thread too much but what happened to those documentaries you were making last year? I really enjoyed watching them, but I'm sure it was a lot of work to put them together.
I'm such an A$$ for starting and stoping like that I know! (
Good luck with all your projects, sounds like you have your hands full. I'm sure the videos will be worth the wait whenever you get back on to them, just don't push yourself too far!
- Thomas
Yeah, that stuff requires an insane amount of work when your working independently.
I had no clue what I was signing up for when going that deep into all those different areas of development. Not enough time in the day I tell you!